Sunday, June 01, 2008


Located to 960 km approximately of the American continental coast.

The islands are based on the plate Is born, one of the points with greater volcanic activity of the World.

13 great islands, 17 small and 47 rocky small barren islands.

A great part of the archipelago is to the south of the equatorial line, where the sea currents of Humboldt (fries) and Cromwell (warm converge)

All the reptiles of these islands, half of the birds, 32 % of the plants and 25% of the fish, as well as a good number of invertebrates, is exclusively in this archipelago.

In 1959 they were declared National Park on the part of the Ecuadorian government. In 1978, UNESCO considered Patrimony Natural of the Humanity and 5 years later were declared Reserve of the Biosphere.

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