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Sunday, February 28, 2010
The Thoughts of Ed Wood

When was it that this distrust of Congress started ???

Though usually viewed as a fable, the story of Washington as a youngster chopping down a cherry tree has been handed down for generations, a way for parents to teach their children that nothing is more important than telling the truth -- as Washington reportedly did in the face of his father's anger over the fallen tree.
But it turns out that general American public distrust of politicians has been in evidence for a long time. Or maybe recent data just show that today's disgust with Washington (the town, not the man) is starting to affect the reputation of earlier giants. Either way, a new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll found that 74% of voters think the father of our country lied while in office.
And Washington's not the only one. According to the poll, 71% think Abraham Lincoln lied while in office. That's Honest Abe, the man who didn't charge the widow of a Revolutionary soldier for helping her get her pension, even paying her hotel bill and giving her the money to buy a ticket home.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The 1909 Ford Model R

One hundred years ago.
What a difference a century makes!
Here are some statistics for the Year 1909:
************ ********* ************
The average life expectancy for men was 47 years.
Fuel for this car was sold in drug stores only.
Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub.
Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.
There were only 8,000 cars and only 144 miles of paved roads..
The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.
The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower
The average US wage in 1909 was 22 cents per hour.
The average US worker made between $200 and $400 per year ..
A competent accountant could expect to earn $2000 per year,
A dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year,
and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.
More than 95 percent of all births took place at HOME .
Ninety percent of all Doctors had NO COLLEGE EDUCATION!
Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which
Were condemned in the press AND the government as 'substandard.'
(Source unknown)
"Winding roads that seem to beckon"

Although she’s sold 100 million records, including 15 that went gold, Patti Page blushed yesterday when Barnstable assistant town manager Thomas Lynch referred to her by her old nickname, “Patti Page, The Singing Rage.”
Singling out Page’s 1957 hit “Old Cape Cod,” in which she sings about sand dunes, lobster stew and falling in love, Lynch said, “We hope when you think of the song, you think of us, because a piece of us is with you in that song.”
The 82-year-old singer teased Barnstable town officials who named Main Street after her for a single day when she played the Cape Cod Melody Tent more than a decade ago.
“I thought to myself . . . are they going to do it permanently one day? It’s been a long time getting here, but I’ve enjoyed every moment of it,” Page said when Barnstable officially christened the entrance to the Cape Cod Chamber of Commerce facility with a shiny new street sign proclaiming it “Patti Page Way.”
If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air
Quaint little villages here and there
You're sure to fall in love with Old Cape Cod
If you like the taste of a lobster stew
Served by a window with an ocean view
You're sure to fall in love with Old Cape Cod
Winding roads that seem to beckon you
Miles of green beneath the skies of blue
Church bell chiming on a Sunday morn
Remind you of the town where you were born
If you spend an evening you'd want to stay
Watching the moonlight on Cape Cod Bay
You're sure to fall in love with Old Cape Cod.
An intimate portrait of a great screen icon

"Broken Nails: A Marlene Dietrich Dialogue" is playing at the Odyssey Theatre (310 477-2055 or OdysseyTheatre.com)
"The Beat of Black Wings"

"Confucius says: flop"

It was supposed to be the patriotic holiday hit. "Confucius," the government-backed bio-epic about the ancient philosopher, was tailor-made to stir national pride over Chinese New Year.
What they got instead was China's answer to "Ishtar" -- a box-office dud with the misfortune of having to compete against the Hollywood blockbuster "Avatar."
"Confucius says: flop" read a headline in the Shanghai Daily.
Even a historian who was invited to the film's prescreening to offer the project a shot of credibility gave the thumbs down, saying the movie was riddled with inaccuracies.
"It's been, in a sense, a loss of face," said Stan Rosen, a Chinese film expert at USC. "It really backfired."
China has a tradition of releasing high-budget, nationalistic films over major holidays, and "Confucius" was chosen to ring in the Year of the Tiger.
The movie marked a milestone of sorts for a philosopher whose teachings were reviled under Mao Tse-tung but are enjoying a rebirth in modern China. The nation's leaders have made Confucian principles of social harmony and respect for hierarchy a driving mantra now that communist dogma has lost its cachet.
Friday, February 26, 2010
"Show of Farce"
"capturing the country's soul"

But nowhere do celebrations carry the powerful sense of national feeling as they do in Poland, the land of his birth, where his heroic, tragic piano compositions are credited with capturing the country's soul.
Poland is going all out to display its best "product," as officials bluntly put it, staging bicentennial concerts and other events in and around Warsaw, the city where the composer -- known here as Fryderyk Chopin -- spent the first half of his life.
Imagining Emily Dickinson

Thursday, February 25, 2010
Now 258 posters from his collection are reproduced in his book "Starstruck," which came out earlier this month. More than just a picture book of some of the most beautiful and rare posters from 1912 to 1962, "Starstruck" also is an exploration of one man's unending passion. (Resnick will be at Book Soup in West Hollywood on March 14 to sign copies of the book.)

“Ricky Nelson Remembered"

While creating a chart-topping career of their own, Matthew and Gunnar Nelson have kept alive the musical legacy of their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee father, Ricky Nelson, through tributes featuring the teen idol’s numerous classic hits.
Twenty-five years after his tragic death in a plane crash on New Year’s Eve in 1985 that killed not only their father but his band as well, the Nelsons take to the road again with “Ricky Nelson Remembered,” which opens at Brixton in Redondo Beach Thursday, March 4.
With songs like “Hello Mary Lou,” “Travelin’ Man,” “Garden Party,” “Poor Little Fool” and his first hit “I’m Walkin,’” Nelson had more than 50 songs on Billboard’s Top 100 chart over a nearly 20-year span. Ricky came to fame on his parents’ beloved family sitcom “The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet,” which began in 1952 and lasted until 1966, just a year before the birth of his twin sons, Matthew and Gunnar.
They were only 18 when he died, but the brothers already had the music bug in them, picking up the guitar and drums at a very early age. A few bands came and went before Nelson’s debut album, 1990’s “After the Rain,” generated the No. 1 single “(Can’t Live Without Your) Love and Affection” as well as the hits “After the Rain,” a top 10 single, and “More Than Ever.”
Gunnar and Matthew Nelson are pictured performing some of their father’s songs in the tribute show ‘Ricky Nelson Remembered.’ (photo courtesy of The Rick Nelson Company)
Following their gig at Brixton, the Nelsons will play at The Canyon in Agoura Hills Saturday, March 5, and The Coach House in San Juan Capistrano. For more information, visit www.RickyNelsonRemembered.com or www.NelsonRockBand.com.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
"a place where time has stood still"

It's a miracle, really. Of the 1,500 gardens created by De Forest, a celebrity in his own time, this is the only one still in its original form, says Gail Jansen, executive director of the Austin Val Verde Foundation and author of a monograph on De Forest.
What luck that this house and garden, an experiment in Modernism with a nod to the virility of the Romans, had only two full-time owners. How rare in this frenetic culture for a place to exist untouched for almost 100 years. How rare to see something groundbreaking for its time and find it just as relevant today.
Coffee broker and land speculator Henry Dater never lived in the house he commissioned. Val Verde's first real owner and its longtime genie was the free-thinking Wright Ludington. Endowed with several fortunes and mindful that laws in his home state of Pennsylvania outlawed his homosexuality, he thought it best to get away to California. The second owner, Warren Russell Austin, a poor boy who married an heiress, was physician to the Duchess of Windsor and then to Ludington. When Austin acquired the estate, it was as if Ludington's spirit passed into his body.
How else to explain a place where time has stood still? The original black paint on the living room floor, Ludington's idea. The pearly gray walls, a color that architect Bertram Goodhue borrowed from famed architect Irving Gill. The flamboyantly theatrical bathroom with Roman murals painted in 1939 by Oliver Messel, beloved costumer for Beverly Sills and a Tony award-winning designer, that was reviewed in art magazines around the world. Its sensational red canvas drapery still dangles from the ceiling.
But the red drapery that hung in the master bedroom was incinerated when Ludington set fire to the bed in a fit of pique over a lover's transgression. So one thing gone. But the rest is still there, making Val Verde one of the most important period homes and gardens that you may never see.

"airiness and crisp confidence"

Designed by the Philadelphia firm KieranTimberlake, the proposed building makes an argument that an American embassy should do more than simply symbolize transparency, which all too often means a facility wrapped in glass but secluded deep inside an impenetrable suburban compound. Instead it aspires to a different and broader set of values, primarily having to do with ecological responsibility and neighborliness within a tight urban fabric.

Even as the design itself, for all its airiness and crisp confidence, is hardly radical from a formal point of view -- it consists of a cube sheathed in a shimmering polymer scrim and resting on a ground-floor colonnade of concrete pillars -- it represents a major shift in how we think about the role of U.S. government architecture, both at home and abroad. It suggests putting an emphasis on action instead of values, measurable behavior rather than symbolic gestures.
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Monday, February 22, 2010
"The 800 Mile Wall"

It's a complex tragedy at the border but nearly every adult who undertakes the journey does have a choice.
A fairly typical crossing story might begin in a Mexican town where a young woman wants desperately to go to college. She dreams of escaping the life of domestic labor that awaits her but can't think of any other way to defy her parents. Or it might begin in San Salvador, with a man who wants to emulate his wealthy cousin in Virginia.
In other words, many choose to go on la aventura, as it's popularly known, because it's the easiest avenue to social mobility. It's not the best choice in the world. It might be desperate or reckless, but it is a choice.
The dead migrants in that El Centro cemetery weren't driven to their deaths by soldiers with guns, as in Bosnia, or by killers armed with machetes, as in Rwanda.
That's why I couldn't say it is an atrocity. It's a complex tragedy born of inequality, yes. The policy that leads people to risk their lives crossing the desert is cruel, yes. But it's a risk people take, often knowingly and often from human motives as universal as restlessness and ambition.
"This is really only a small slice of the immigrant story," I told Frey.
I'd like to think we could build support for immigration reform by telling the full, nuanced story of the immigrant experience in the U.S. But maybe that makes me the naive one.
These are desperate, polarized times. People really should be angry about what's happening on the border. They should see the horrors of "The 800 Mile Wall" and they should ask themselves deeper questions about why people are willing to risk death to come here. And then they should write their congressman.

"Crusty Demons" night of world records
Sunday, February 21, 2010

`Iolani Palace was built in 1882 by the last King of Hawai`i, King David Kalakaua. The seat of government of the Kingdom of Hawai`i, `Iolani Palace had electricity and telephones installed several years before the White House. The Palace remained a royal residence until Queen Lili`uokalani, the King's sister and successor, was deposed and the Hawaiian monarchy overthrown in January 1893. The Queen was imprisoned in the Palace for eight months in 1895 by the unlawful Provisional Government, charged with misprision of treason for attempting to restore Hawai`i's sovereignty. The Palace served as capitol of the Provisional Government, Republic, Territory and State of Hawai`i until 1969. At that time the Palace was vacated and restoration begun. It is now a museum under the direction of Friends of `Iolani Palace, who continue restoration efforts. `Iolani Palace continues to be a focal point in efforts to restore Hawai`i's sovereignty and independence.
The "Plastiki"
Majestic Yosemite
"lifeguard tower" ???

Steve Lazar, who grew up in Pennsylvania and visited the Jersey shore as a child, said the images of lifeguard towers stuck with him. "There's nothing authentic about this tower," Lazar said. "It's strictly from my imagination."
Glass light wells, connected by heavy-gauge stainless-steel spider arm supports, separate the tower's four angled legs from the front half of the home, which resembles the bow of a double-deck ship.
Because of the home's proximity to the ocean, Lazar specified materials that could withstand the elements with low maintenance. All the exposed wood is Mangaris, a highly durable product that turns a silvery gray. The steel was allowed to rust to the desired color and then sealed.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
"End of an Era"

"They were hard up for men then," he recalled in 2003 in the Ottawa Citizen. "They didn't have the draft yet" and relied on enlistees.
Babcock, Canada's last known World War I veteran, died Thursday at 109 at his home in Spokane, Wash.

Half Off for "the Queen of Mean's Lair"
Thursday, February 18, 2010
For "celebrity impressions"

Gordie Brown performs at 7:30 p.m. every Tuesday - Saturday.
Show is dark April 3 & 4, April 9-28, 2010.
Tickets start at $39.95.
"Lion of Zion"

Foreman, the unbeaten "Lion of Zion," became the latest to join the list after twice knocking down heavily favored Daniel Santos to win the World Boxing Assn. junior middleweight title last November in Las Vegas. That made him the first Israeli fighter to win a world title and earned him one of the championship banners that cover the walls of the dingy gym.
Yet after climbing to the top of a sport he has long attacked with zeal, Foreman finds that his accomplishment has to share the spotlight with his other pursuit. The boxer, you see, is studying to be a rabbi, spending each morning in the middle of the Torah learning how to interpret the will of God, and each afternoon in the middle of a gym learning how to break the will of his next opponent.
“Kings of the Dance"

"ghoulish therapy"

Heinrichs wasn't nearly as masochistic to the actors. The water was quite warm and the "ice" floating in it was a silicon-like material cut so as not to appear as soft as it really was. And though the leather straps look impressive on-screen, it was just Velcro -- hidden from view -- that held Del Toro in the chair. The whole thing reminded Heinrichs of a circus dunk tank. "The first time I drew it for [director Joe Johnston], I put a clown in the chair."
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
A Story of the Half Dome cables

This interim program, implemented by the National Park Service, is being done in an effort to address safety issues that have arisen from crowding, which has led to unsafe conditions and long waits.
The Half Dome day-use permits will only be required on weekends, including Fridays, as well as holidays. Four hundred will be issued per day, with 100 of those to be included in wilderness permits. The permits are required for the use of the trail from the base of the subdome to the summit of Half Dome and include the Half Dome cable route.
The hike has become extremely popular, and crowded. About 84,000 people climbed to the top of Half Dome in 2008. Last summer, daily visitor numbers on peak days were estimated to be 1,100 to 1,200.
This overcrowding on the cables has led to unsafe conditions and long waits. Last year, Manoj Kumar, 40, of San Ramon, Calif., fell to his death from the cables. The following weekend, a woman fell during a rainstorm and sustained serious injury.
Permits are available by advance reservation only, and can be purchased online or by calling (877) 444-6777. Up to four may be obtained per reservation, with each person required to have his or her own.

Monday, February 15, 2010
TOLSTOY: A Giant of a Man

Read more: Leo Tolstoy Biography - life, family, childhood, children, name, death, history, wife, mother, book, old, information, born, marriage, time, year, sister, etc.
"On Thin Ice"

With a price tag of $450 million, the world's largest steel structure has been called a potential white elephant, a big, expensive building that no longer serves a purpose. Its maintenance costs are $15 million a year.
Carnival in Rio de Janeiro

Sunday, February 14, 2010
"King of Twangy Guitar"

Television's "American Idol" is, of course, famous partly for its comically inept performances.
But in the 1950s, the fans of two talent shows on local TV were treated to some moments that were more bizarre than anything "Idol" has shown.
That's because the programs -- "Hollywood Opportunity" and "Rocket to Stardom" -- were live. And the performances they aired, no matter how weird, couldn't be edited.
Take the time an actor pulled a gun on the audience during his angry monologue on "Hollywood Opportunity" -- a rant, ironically enough, about how Hollywood wasn't giving him an opportunity to earn a living.
One of the witnesses was Stan Chambers, the commercial announcer of the KTLA-TV Channel 5 show.
Yes, that Stan Chambers, the newsman who is now in his 63rd year at KTLA.
In his memoir, "News at Ten," Chambers recalled that the audience gasped when the out-of-work thespian produced the firearm. Backstage, the reaction was no different.
"He didn't do that at the audition!" director Jack Parker shouted.
"Let's play it cool," a cameraman said as the actor waved the gun menacingly.
Someone suggested dropping the curtain, but Chambers pointed out that the actor might fire through it and hit someone in the audience.
"Or he could turn and try to hit us," a stage manager said.
Suddenly, the actor muttered, "There comes a time when you realize it is the end."
He jammed the gun into his stomach. A shot was fired. He fell and lay motionless on the stage.
After a few moments, he got to his feet, brushed himself off and exited, toy pistol in hand.
The audience responded with what Chambers called "nervous applause."
The contestant's name is lost to history, but the judges awarded him no prize that night.
In 1955, two years after "Hollywood Opportunity" went off the air, Oldsmobile dealer Bob Yeakel began broadcasting an amateur talent show from his showroom on Wilshire Boulevard.
He called it "Rocket to Stardom" because a rocket was the company symbol at the dawn of the Space Age.
The show became so popular that it ran more than 18 hours, from Saturday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. In an unusual arrangement, one half of the show appeared on KHJ-TV Channel 9, the other half on KTTV-TV Channel 11. "The talent on the show, to understate it, is not exactly good, but apparently this makes little difference, and a considerable amount of goodwill results," Billboard magazine wrote in 1956.
Goodwill could translate into good business. Yeakel estimated that 60% of his sales were related to the show, and he became the biggest Olds dealer in Southern California. He died in 1960 when his small plane crashed on the San Bernardino Freeway.
Despite what Billboard said, some of the contestants were talented. One was Duane Eddy (above), who would become a recording star known as the "King of Twangy Guitar."
"a superior chronicler of rapscallions"

Still, for every such contributor, there are numerous New Yorker writers whose legacies have drifted away over the decades like so much dust. St. Clair McKelway is one of these. For 37 years, McKelway was one of the New Yorker's most prolific and inventive nonfiction writers. In his time, he was regarded as a master of the long-form profile, a superior chronicler of rapscallions and low-rent hustlers. Indeed, when he was on his game, McKelway might have been the best nonfiction writer the magazine had -- this at a time when Liebling, Mitchell and E.J. Kahn Jr. were also producing signature work.
But if McKelway remains perhaps the greatest magazine writer that no one knows about, the publication of a new collection, "Reporting at Wit's End: Tales From the New Yorker" (Bloomsbury: 620 pp., $18 paper), brings with it the hope that his long-forgotten byline might be brought back to light.
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