Saturday, March 08, 2008

Speed Racer's Car Revealed

Most of the Speed Racer cast, including Matthew Fox, Emile Hersch, Susan Sarandon, and Christina Ricci, was on hand for the official unveiling of the Speed Racer car, dubbed Mach 5 (in ultra hi-res). The car was presented with great fanfare during a press conference last week. The upcoming Wachowski brothers film looks to be shaping up quite nicely, with the potential for a near universal appeal given its combination of G-rated subject matter, a hip cast, and 60s kitsch. Speed Racer won't see the light of day until sometime in 2008, but this video should suffice as a teaser for the time being.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Yeah Right, in a world where the pollution factor ( fossil fuel burning ) is exponentially destroying our planet, that's all we need is to influence our young; to love Race Car driving. LOL ROFL.
