Wednesday, July 26, 2006


This witch's lair of fairy-tale proportions, concocted in 1921 from a brew straight out of the Brothers Grimm, may be a cliché by now, yet it still dares to say what is often kept quiet.

With its raked plaster and river rock, aversion to straight lines, a shingle roof with ski-slope severity, mullioned windows and off-kilter shutters, it is the "Rocky Horror" of domestic architecture, "Gods and Monsters" come home to roost. Designed by Harry Oliver in 1921 as movie set, it became an office, and then a home, and it's what real estate is all about — fantasy.

But taking exaggerated leaps is a dying art. Our homes are either quiet and respectable or self-important and self-conscious. Few try to have it both ways and succeed. Located in Beverly Hills, CA.

1 comment:

  1. I love that house! it has a very interesting and unique architecture. It really looks like story book house:) I was happy to hear that the new owner, Michael Libow, renovated it. It would be a shame to let this house to be demolished.
