Monday, September 04, 2006

THE CLIFF HOUSE: Evolution of a Legend in San Francisco

1863 First Cliff House built by C. C. Butler and John P. Buckley

1865 Cliff House: According to Marilyn Blaisdell's book on the Cliff House... "James Cook, a circus performer, who The Alta California says could not swim, attempted a tightrope walk from South Seal Rock to the land beside the Cliff House on Sunday, September 24, 1865. He disappointed the crowd of thousands when the bad weather forced him to reconsider the balancing act. A rowboat brought him back to shore. Three days later however he successfully made the approximately 150 yard journey. A year later Miss Rosa Celeste, eighteen, performed the same feat and better -- round trips -- on three occasions. For these promotions the Cliff House sold reserved seats on its balcony for a dollar. Another publicity stunt featured stiff upper lipped Millie Lavelle, who, gripping a bit between her teeth (the bit connected to a trolley on a wire cable), coasted under the wire across to Seal Rocks."

1868 Cliff House

1896 New Cliff House opens (first Cliff House burned to the ground in 1894)

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